Imagine a cold dark night near the Arctic Circle, the wind barely moves a strand of hair, and the star bright night sky is flaring with colors of green and purple. Iceland is becoming a popular winter destination, and the main attraction are the Northern Lights.
Saga Travel offers a wide range of tours and packages designed to experience these mystical nights of the north in the best possible situation. North Iceland is a prime location to increase your chances to witness the Northern Lights, since cloud coverage above the area is on average the least in Iceland.
Planing Your Northern Lights Holiday
We recommend to everyone planning their Northern Lights holiday so that they go for the destination and not just the Northern Lights. This means that when on your holiday you should look at the Northern Lights as a perfect and desirable bonus to a great trip to where ever you go. Below you will both find day tours and holiday deals that will assist you in planning your ideal winter break.
Read more about the Northern Lights on our blogs about them:
Searching for the Northern Lights
The Season of Northern Lights is upon us
For even more information visit our friends at Auoraforecast